Welcome and Introduction


Hello and welcome!  

I invite you to come sit with me and spend some time to create magic together to ease, support and empower you upon your sobriety and life journey. We have found each other so that I may offer you some tips and tricks to infuse your experience with the everyday magic that lies in wait for you. 

So, come! Sit by my fire and let me introduce myself and my story!


I am approximately one year into my sober journey. Syncronistically, my interest reawakened to reconnecting to the magickal path.

I find the magickal and sober paths parallel in their journey through the liminal space.  We are traversing new ground from what was to what we want to and shall be.  We are working and connecting to mind, body, and spirit.  We are actively calling in what serves us and releasing what no longer does.


We are being present. In the now; in the moment. This is where the magick happens.


What is this Magick I speak of and how do I find it aides my sober journey?

It is the cycles of nature and the seasons. The cycles of the moon.  The Wheel of the Year.  The elements, the herbs, the plants and the planets. The crystals and stones, tarot and runes.  

Words are spells. 

So many tools 

and so much knowledge

for us to play with and hold reverence for

and create what serves the highest good for you and for all.


I am here now as The Sober Witch because in my search to find sober aid in the realm of witchy practices and magick, I did find some helpful hints and tips helpful towards sobriety, but I did not find an already existing body of assistance in this realm. 

And I am here because of the supportive community I feel so grateful to have found here and hope what I have found aides me might resonate and be of assistance to you as well.

So! Here we are! 

I have been gathering my own basket of tips and tricks and helpful witchy hints to aid this journey.  Slowly weaving in word, a Grimoire of Recovery - of my experience - to share with YOU!

I am not an expert in any field of recovery or witchery, so, as they say, take what serves and leave the rest! This journey is yours and for you alone to design as it suits you.  

Let’s get Magickal!


I find it delightful and fitting to unveil The Sober Witch on the precipice of The Witching Season!  

Halloween, Samhain and The Day of the Dead are upon us!  

A time when the veil is at its most thin.  

A celebration of the season when the doors are open between the living and the passed. 

As above, so below.

Hekate, Persephone, and all the lore of old. 

It invites us to hold remembrance of our ancestors and to hold appreciation for life.

For more information on the holidays and meaning of the season listen to this episode of the fantastic podcast, Middle Aged Witch.


Moon Phase:

Full Moon

The last Saturday of October was The Full Hunter’s Moon in Lunar Eclipse.  

The full moon is typically a time to celebrate or honor closure, endings and culmination. This moon being in eclipse can feel especially intense, emotions may run high, and we may feel depleted in energy.   A good time for focusing on self-care, resting, and practicing peace in ourselves.  This, also being under Scorpio season calls for illumination of the darkness, to face our fears and overcome, to dive deep in the emotions, to reveal hidden truths and to sever what does not serve us.  This full moon in eclipse in Scorpio season can expedite this theme – even committing the revealing of truths and endings of what does not serve precisely and abruptly.  Remember, it is always for the highest of good.  

You can use this to advantage by sitting with yourself and holding in mind what does not serve you and offer it up to the moon to aid you in release and transformation with the moon light illuminating the way to clearing and clarity upon your new path. 

To note, many practitioners do not practice full rituals on an eclipse as the energies can be quite wily and wild!

For more information on this moon event visit this episode of this very fun and informative podcast, Magic is Messy.


Quick Witchy Tip!

On the 1st of November, as the first of every month, it is good practice to blow a big pinch of cinnamon from the palm of your dominant hand from the open entrance of your abode into the home for abundance and prosperity! 

Let’s get Basic, Witches!

Before we begin our magickal practices, it is advised to first cast a circle for and with protection, positive energy, and intention.

There are different ways to cast a circle.  The following is how I typically practice.

I do this by lighting incense and a candle, sitting quietly and envisioning my circle being cast around me and the space I am practicing in.

At the end of my practice, I will close the circle likewise and thank the positive powers that be. 

And most importantly, we practice only for the highest good for all.

So mote it be.

Let me share now with you the first ritual I came across that resonated very helpful for aiding along the sober journey, The Cord Cutting Ceremony.



Cord Cutting Ceremony

What I shall share now is how I fashioned my ceremony. 

There are many ways to practice cord-cutting and I encourage you to do your own research and find what resonates with you.  

Even more so, I encourage you to create your own rituals and words to tap into your own inherent magic, intuition, and insight. 

◉ In a small plate or bowl make a layer of salt for cleansing and protection 

Gather 2 small candles.  These can for example be birthday candles.  You want them to be small so you can watch them completely burn down and not take forever! I used 2 small ritual candles, one white – representing myself and how I envision what I want to be, and one black – representing that what does not serve me, and I want to be removed.

Tie the 2 candles together with a thin cord, leaving enough cord and space between the candles to set them apart in your dish. 

Safely set and stand your tied candles in your dish of salt.  I used small candle holders.

Within your cast circle, sit and focus your energies on your candles and your intentions. 

◉ Lighting your candles, repeat an incantation you create for your intention 3 times as you watch your candles burn down.  Eventually, they will reach the cord and begin to burn the cord between the candles.  Envision this cutting the ties to what no longer serves you.

The incantation I created is as follows:

Cut the ties to what no longer serves!

Raise me to my highest good!


Closing with: So mote it be!

◉ Safely and mindfully dispose of the remains.  Simply in the trash is perfectly acceptable.  

I find it helpful to repeat this ceremony many times over my journey so far.  It feels to me to help strengthen my resolve and renew my commitment.

This is a good ritual to practice at a full moon.  


I hope this first incantation of The Sober Witch has been enjoyable, informative, and useful for you!

I am honored for this time we have spent together, and I look forward to sharing more with you along this journey!

To the highest good!

Blessings be!

So mote it be, or even better!

If you would like to contact The Sober Witch, please do reach out on Instagram @The_Sober_Witch

or email to: thesoberwitch1111@gmail.com


Affiliate Disclosure

It is my intention to share the very best witchy recovery resources with you, including my favorite useful tools and items that I use frequently. The Sober Witch is both an Amazon and Etsy affiliate. Some links in this article may be affiliate links. If you choose to purchase through one of these links, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Buying through affiliate links is a great way to support independent publishers and content creators alike, and I appreciate your support. You can read more about this on our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy Page.


A New Year’s Note